February 19, 2009

Night Shift

Ok .. I am getting ready to go home from a 12 hour night shift. Tonight was relatively uneventful. This is if you think houses burning down, cardiac arrest in a 2 year old, domestic assaults and shootings are uneventful. I work in a busy 911 communications center in North Carolina. It is always organized chaos here. That is what we "adrenaline junkies" need to survive.

Any given night I may talk someone out of suicide, help with a bleeding wound, or give CPR instructions for a loved one calling in desperate need of assistance. That is what I am trained to do. I do it efficiently and with confidence.

We aren't necessarily trained to convey that we really care. Tonight I had a caller tell me that I was "the best". I simply gave her basic trauma instructions for someone who had fallen and received minor scrapes and bruises. I did it with genuine concern for the caller and the patient. My goal is to convey that I do really care to each caller. If I can let them know that at least one person in the system cares, then I have completed my task.

I guess in that regard, my night was a success!

Getting ready to go home to rest. I will be back here in 12 hours for another 12 hours of drama. I guess I wouldn't have it any other way....
