March 16, 2009

~ Not Me Monday ~

This is not the first ~ Not Me Monday ~ post that I have actually gotten done on Monday.

I am not totally disgusted with myself right now. I did not just spend months planning the coolest 40th birthday party surprise for my husband, only to find out that I accidentally sent a copy of the e-mail about the party dates and times to his new work e-mail address. I am way too attentive to detail to have done such a careless thing. I am not fighting tears as I sit here looking at all of the cake sketches, invitation lists, and catering information. I am not a complete and total screw-up! Not me!

I am not sitting here trying to deliberate how I can still make this occasion as special as it would have been as a surprise. I have always been able to keep a secret from my husband, NOT! I am not guilty of always doing something to blow the lid off of great ideas like this. My husband and I do not tell each other everything so it is very easy to keep a secret from him in the first place. I absolutely never have the urge to blurt out about party because I knew he would love it! I haven't caught myself several times just before I divulged party details to my husband just because I was so excited about the details and I want him to be excited with me. No Way!

It was not my bright idea to sell my scrap gold and loose stones from old jewelry to pay for the now not so surprise party! I never would have done this as to keep from using money from our account and to keep the party a surprise.

I certainly did not venture to teach my eager 11 year old son to crochet this week. It was a breeze to teach him since he is very left-handed and I am equally right-handed. This has not been an issue most of his life. I had no trouble teaching him to tie his shoe, hold a spoon, or color with a crayon.

This night shift weekend has not been very exhausting. I am not totally ready for a few days off! It is not almost time for me to go home... I am not finished with this post.