July 3, 2010

ProLife ...... Don't Just Stop There!

Prolife - by definition is an opposition to legalized abortion; right to life.

Let me begin by making it clear that anyone who knows me is aware of my stance regarding abortion and the sanctity of life. I am convinced that once life begins at conception no other human has the authority to end it. I know that to state such an absolute is huge. I am not naïve. I realize that there are exceptions to every rule. I am willing to adventure that there may be cases in which abortion is justified, but it is certainly not an acceptable means of ’birth control’.

That being made clear, let me continue……

We “ProLifers” are so quick to feel a sense of accomplishment when we are successful in convincing a pregnant lady not to terminate her ’crisis pregnancy’. My question is THEN WHAT? A life has been saved! Now this typically underage, under-educated, unequipped, young lady is the mom of an infant who requires food, clothing, shelter, healthcare…..then what? How does she support herself and her new dependant? Are we prolife heroes going to see to it that mom now gets and education to support herself and her offspring? Are we going to personally pay for the childcare that is required so mom can now go to school or work so she can support this precious life we have saved?

In most cases we don’t hang around beyond her choice not to terminate her pregnancy. We have served our moral duty to the sanctity of human life. Or have we? Do we take the time to think of the ramifications to her and society as a whole. What we are vividly aware of is the public assistance that she will likely require for most, if not all, of the child’s life. We complain about how these ‘abusers’ of the system eventually affect our pocketbooks. This child now becomes a product of ’the system’. He or she now lives by government assistance; acquiring the attitude of entitlement. Many of my right wing conservative friends complain about the taxes that increase annually to pay for the housing, food, and healthcare of those on public assistance. Do we stop to think who is utilizing these government programs? A large fraction are these teen moms we have rescued from the deception of the “abortion mills“! We need to stop griping about the abuse of these programs and start taking responsibility to see beyond our front door and our bank accounts.

The wake effect touches us all. Before you feel prideful in your endeavor to save these precious lives from premature demise think about the whole picture. Think about that mom and society as a whole. I am simply admonishing you to do more than help these moms in the immediate crisis. Think about ways to help long-term. Calculate ways that these women can be afforded the opportunity to save their child’s life while preserving their own lives. Challenge yourself to see her through to stability. There is much more energy that needs to be put forth by those of us who believe in the sanctity of life. These young moms are desperate for help. They need direction…………..Most don’t want a handout……Most really just need someone to have faith in them and show them a way to be a productive citizen for themselves and their families.

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